Monday, October 2, 2017

I Choose... "Better than ever!"

Hello everyone,

As I was driving back to the desert this last weekend from the Pacific Northwest, complaining in my mind about the fact that I don’t actually like living in the desert, I noticed how not-good those complaints were making me feel. And since I happen to know from experience that I, myself, am the only one who can ever change how I feel, I decided to do something about it.

I thought about what my personal beliefs are. I thought about “Choose Your Universe” and what that material means to me. I thought about my understanding that the Universe (God. The Divine) is always for expansion and fuller expression. And I thought about going back to work in the office and being asked “How are you?” I want to be able to give a positive response to that question. I want to know that just because I don’t like living in the desert does not meant that I can’t absolutely love my life here.

I have decided that my response from now on to the question, "How are you?" is going to be, "Better than ever!" Why? Two reasons.

First, I really do believe that the Universe is always for expansion and fuller expression, and if that’s really the way it is, then “better than ever” is a completely accurate response, isn’t it? (It makes me smile to look at it this way!)

Second, deliberately responding with, “Better than ever” is going to take some practice, and it’s going to take diligently getting into the feeling of it. I see this as a great opportunity to pay attention in all situations and interactions with others and choose to be “more compassionate than ever” or “stronger than ever” or “more accepting than ever” or “more patient than ever” or to have “more self-respect than ever” or… The list is actually pretty long and, in fact, could very well be “ever expanding,” couldn’t it? :-)

So right now, I am choosing to be – and to feel – better than ever. Join me if you choose to.


P.S. Just an fyi – I have deleted all of my social media accounts. I am doing a year-long, “life without social media” personal experiment. No more Facebook, Twitter, etc. for me until October 1, 2018 (if by then I actually have a desire to get back into it. I hope I don’t.)

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